LinkedIn Organic Lead Generation
LinkedIn de-coded - How to find and convert leads on LinkedIn using organic methods. Find the people who really want what you have to offer so you spend less time selling, and more time being authentically you.
Why you need to be doing more on LinkedIn
LinkedIn is the most trusted social media platform, especially if you know how to use it for maximum impact.
There are more than 700 million professionals using the platform, and 3% are driving regular business from it, the others, only look on, and use it as a repository for their CV.
Within one month of using this platform the right way, you could be generating important conversations that will lead to conversions in your business.
I will show you in my new course, how to:
Get your social selling index score to 1% of your industry!
I will also run a group hot seat session in 3 weeks time, to review your copy, your profile, or your engagement strategy - you choose which!
Watch 10 minute preview on how boost your profile.
Linkedin Payout Method Workshop Day 1 - Profile and Audience
FREE PREVIEWWorkshop Slide Deck
Activity: Thinking Prompts for your Profile
Profile Self Audit Template
LinkedIn Payout Method - Workshop Day 2 - You and Inbound Leads
LinkedIn Payout Method Day 2 - Slide Deck
Workbook for Campaign Content Planning
LinkedIn Payout Method Workshop Day 3
Copy for Conversion With Lewis Dalton (Explicit Lyrics)
Sales Training
Sign up for early access!
Katherine Byam